24Pearlstreet Workshops

Part of our work as global literary citizens involves forming friendships and affinities with writers across the globe—even if (and oftentimes because) our nation as a whole often struggles to do the same. In this workshop, we’ll attend to what troubles and shines within us and around us by, in part, listening to voices from across the globe. We’ll experiment with lineation and elements of craft in conversation with poets and poetry in translation from contemporary poets living and working in the world today—from South Africa to India to Denmark to Iraq to Argentina (and more). We’ll augment this conversation and study with poetry magazines and journals from overseas. We’ll learn from writers who share in the oxygen of our time, and we’ll apply these ideas to the drafts and revisions of the poems we’re working on.
Brian Turner is the author of the memoir My Life as a Foreign Country (W.W. Norton) and two poetry collections (Here, Bullet and Phantom Noise). He edited The Kiss: Intimacies from Writers (W.W. Norton) and co-edited The Strangest of Theatres (McSweeney’s/Poetry Foundation). He’s published essays and poems with National Geographic, The New York Times, Harper’s, Vulture, VQR, and other fine journals. Turner is a Guggenheim Fellow, a Lannan Literary Fellow, a USA Fellow, a US-Japan Friendship Commission Fellowship—and he’s received the Poet’s Prize, an NEA, and the Amy Lowell Traveling Fellowship. Turner has been featured on NPR, the BBC, the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, and on Weekend America. He is the founding director of the MFA at Sierra Nevada College.