Fine Arts Work Center In Provincetown

2025 Summer Workshops

Andre Dubus III Fiction/Memoir Workshop June 26 to July 1, 2016 Tuition: $600 Workshop: 9AM-Noon Discipline: Fiction OPEN TO ALL On-site Housing Available


Master novelist and short story writer, Richard Bausch says: “Do not think, dream. If you think you’re thinking when you’re writing, then think again; you’re working with the dreaming side of your mind, so dream, dream, dream it through.” I could not agree more. I also believe this holds true whether you’re writing fiction or creative non-fiction/memoir, for when we explore our lives through the subjective lens of our own memories, we’re still dreaming our way back. But how – technically speaking – does one dream fully and honestly with mere words? Come to this workshop, and I’ll try to lay this out with a bit of lecture, in-class creative writing exercises, and a constructive critique of what comes out of you, one honest word at a time.


Andre Dubus III ‘s books include his most recent novel, Gone So Long, the New York Times’ bestsellers House of Sand and Fog, The Garden of Last Days, and his memoir, Townie. Mr. Dubus has been a finalist for the National Book Award. His honors include a Guggenheim Fellowship, two Pushcart Prizes, and an American Academy of Arts and Letters Award. His books are published in over twenty-five languages, and he teaches full-time at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.