Fine Arts Work Center In Provincetown

2025 Summer Workshops

Richard McCann Life Stories, Real and Imagined August 21 to August 26, 2016 Tuition: $725 Workshop: 9AM-1PM Discipline: Fiction OPEN TO ALL On-site Housing Available

“The secret to writing, ” writes Dorothy Allison, “is that fiction never exceeds the reach of the writer’s courage….until I start telling the stories that were hardest for me, writing about exactly the things I was most afraid of and unsure about, I wasn’t writing worth a damn.” In this intensive, one-week workshop for prose writers writing from autobiographical experience, we’ll work toward the writing of those life stories–whether in fiction, memoir, or personal essay–that seem the hardest and most necessary to tell.

Please bring to the first workshop 12 copies of a 4-page story, whether fiction or nonfiction, drawn from autobiographical sources.


Richard McCann is the author of Mother of Sorrows, a work of fiction, and Ghost Letters, a collection of poems. His fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry have appeared in The AtlanticMs., EsquirePloughsharesTin House, and in numerous anthologies. His honors include fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. He is currently working on a memoir, The Resurrectionist.