2025 Summer Workshops

In this workshop, we’ll aim to generate new materials that are seemingly disparate, and then discover ways to braid these fragments into a larger, cohesive whole. We will also workshop previously written creative work.
Therefore, each writer must email 10-15 pages (15 pages max) to workshops@fawc.org by June 12. I’m looking forward to rolling up our sleeves, opening our notebooks to the day’s work, and wandering into the wide landscape of the imagination.
Brian Turner is the author of the memoir My Life as a Foreign Country (W.W. Norton) and two poetry collections (Here, Bullet and Phantom Noise). He edited The Kiss: Intimacies from Writers (W.W. Norton) and co-edited The Strangest of Theatres (McSweeney’s/Poetry Foundation). He’s published essays and poems with National Geographic, The New York Times, Harper’s, Vulture, VQR, and other fine journals. Turner is a Guggenheim Fellow, a Lannan Literary Fellow, a USA Fellow, a US-Japan Friendship Commission Fellowship—and he’s received the Poet’s Prize, an NEA, and the Amy Lowell Traveling Fellowship. Turner has been featured on NPR, the BBC, the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, and on Weekend America. He is the founding director of the MFA at Sierra Nevada College.