Fine Arts Work Center In Provincetown

2025 Summer Workshops

Marian Roth The World of Camera Obscura August 12 to August 17, 2018 Tuition: $650 Workshop: 9am-Noon Discipline: Photography OPEN TO ALL On-site Housing Available

Pinhole photography (or camera obscura) is a way to create photographic images without a sharpening lens, linear focal plane, or factory set apertures and shutter speeds. The results are often dreamy and mysterious, both softer and more personal than images created in mechanical or digital cameras. This weeklong class will cover all aspects of pinhole photography from camera construction to production of pinhole images. Participants need know nothing about photography to appreciate the power of camera obscura imagery to widen one’s visual vocabulary.

As part of your materials fee, you will be given ten sheets of photo paper for making prints. Additional sheets may be purchased from the Work Center for $1 per sheet.


Marian Roth has been working with camera obscura imagery for thirty years.  She is the recipient of both Guggenheim and Pollock Krasner Fellowships. She maintains a studio in Provincetown, where she has lived since 1982. She is currently working in a small horse barn she converted to a camera obscura at Edgewood Farm.  Marian is represented in Provincetown by On Center Gallery.