24Pearlstreet Workshops

This one-week personal class is designed to strengthen your poetry manuscript using a series of question-and answer-style prompts tailored for you. During the week, I will write comments about my overall impressions (what is your book “about”) and my ideas concerning organization, titles and thematic content. I will also provide line edits and comments for poems, including suggestions for rewrites, and comments on style and voice. You will also answer questions to guide the revision process. At the end of the week, we’ll have an hour-long conference call.
Nancy K. Pearson’s second book of poems, The Whole by Contemplation of a Single Bone, won the Poets Out Loud prize and will be published by Fordham University Press in Spring, 2016. Her first book of poems, Two Minutes of Light, won the L.L. Winship/PEN New England Award and was a Massachusetts Book Awards, “Must Read Book” of 2009. Pearson received her MFA in Creative Nonfiction at The University of Houston and her MFA in poetry at George Mason University. She received two seventh-month fellowships at The Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown. She recently moved to Maryland.