24Pearlstreet Workshops

Write at the intersection of prose and poetry in this workshop devoted to the imaginative and innovative possibilities in writing poetry without line breaks. We will look at a historical range of prose and poetry that model elements of story, structure, music, and imagination. Discover the differences between a prose poem and flash prose. We will generate new work that tries to balance these elements. How would your work change if you never broke the line? Let’s find out together.
Ruben Quesada is author of Revelations, Next Extinct Mammal, and Exiled from the Throne of Night: Selected Translations of Luis Cernuda. His poems and translations have appeared in the Best American Poetry series, American Poetry Review, TriQuarterly, and other anthologies and journals, and he has been awarded fellowships and grants from Vermont Studio Center, Squaw Valley Community of Writers, and Santa Fe Art Institute. He is a contributing editor at the Chicago Review of Books.