24Pearlstreet Workshops

Elizabeth Bradfield
Rewilding Your Poems: A Month of Prods, Prompts, and Play
November 6 to December 1, 2017
Tuition: $500
Class Size: 15
Session: fall
Level: 4 week asynchronous workshop
It can be easy to fall into a poetic rut. To feel stuck in routine or less than terrified (don’t we all want to be a little terrified by our poems?) by what we put on the page. This four-week course will focus on exercises that will open new ideas, techniques, and associations in your poems and, in doing so, become more daring, more charged, more potent. We will comment on each other’s poems, but we’ll focus more on making than honing.
ELIZABETH BRADFIELD is the author of the collections Once Removed, Approaching Ice, and Interpretive Work. Her poems have appeared in The New Yorker, Poetry, Orion and elsewhere. In 2005, she founded Broadsided Press, an innovative, ekphrastic, public-spirited arts project, which she continues to run. Liz teaches creative writing at Brandeis University and in the University of Alaska’s low-residency MFA program, and she works as a naturalist on ships and at home on Cape Cod. www.ebradfield.com