2025 Summer Workshops
Bridge the immediacy of drawing with the processes of printmaking. You will focus on developing visual ideas in a serial, yet exploratory approach. This class is ideal both for artists with limited printmaking experience, and advanced printmakers eager to learn traditional and alternative printmaking techniques of committing their creative ideas and impulses to print. Learn how to harness monotype’s versatility and fluidity, while exploring its ability to extract the aesthetic qualities characteristic of oil/watercolor paintings and drawings. Investigate the unique, conceptual and aesthetic possibilities of your visual inclinations, and draw inspiration from the campus’s breathtaking surroundings during walk-abouts. Through classroom demonstrations and one-on-one instruction, learn an array of monoprinting/monotypes and alternative techniques—including those of reductive printing, color printing, image and text transfer and chine-collé—and employ these methods to magically transform your own images into a cohesive suite of portfolio prints.
Additionally, there will be an opportunity to explore thematic, narrative and poetic ideas based on collaboration with writing workshop students.
Fred H. C. Liang Fred H. C. Liang received a BFA from the University of Manitoba, and an MFA from Yale University. His honors include Massachusetts Cultural Council Arts Grants in both painting, printmaking, and works on paper. Liang’s work is in numerous public and private collections, including Fidelity, the Gund Collection, Addison Museum of
American Art, and the Rose Art Museum at Brandeis University. He exhibited his work at the Currier Museum of Art in NH, Inside Out Museum in Beijing, and the ICA,
Boston. Liang’s most recent exhibitions include the Milwaukee Art Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Addison Museum of American Art in Massachusetts, XC.HuA Gallery in Berlin and Jerez de la Frontera Gallery at University of Cadiz. He recently completed a residency at the Museo de Arte Contemporary in Santiago de Chile and the Swatch Art Peace Hotel in Shanghai, China. His work was recently interviewed by Huffington Post, WBUR Open Studio and reviewed in The Boston Globe. He is the recipient of 2020 Joan Michell Foundation Grant. Liang is a professor at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston, Massachusetts, where he is the Coordinator of the Printmaking Department.